Preparing Yourself for A CT Scan
Doctors often use a computed tomography (CT) scan to detect cancer. A CT scan also helps doctors to get more information about the disease after detection. Knowing the cancer’s stage helps both the patient and the doctor to choose the appropriate treatment options. The physician will be able to predict the chances of recovery of a patient using a CT scan. A CT scan uses x-rays to take pictures of the inside of the body. The x-rays take images from different angles and the computer combines the images into 3D images that are detailed, showing any tumors. A contrast medium may be given before the scan to provide further details on the image. The contrast dye can be administered intravenously or swallowed orally. Before undergoing a CT scan , you will be given instructions on how to prepare such as drinking water starting midnight the night before your appointment and not to eat or drink anything four hours before the scan During the CT scan procedure: • You will change into a hos...