Amyloid PET Scan Clinical Setting
Pet scans are used to discover the existence of dementia-inducing Amyloid plaque in the brain for regular clinical use. Based onresearch published in JAMA Neurology, researchers found out that negative and positive outcomes determined the diagnosis of patients with or without dementia. Researchers enrolled subjects from patients with cognitive impairments to those without dementia. They found traces of amyloid in both disciplines that provided a bridge between approving amyloid PET in the research setting and applying the diagnostic equipment in clinical practice. Amyloid factor The build-up of beta-amyloid in the brain is a significant indicator of the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Carbon-11-labeled Pittsburgh Compounds B (C-11PIB) and amyloid PET imaging modality have become crucial in neuro-degradation finding. VUMC scientists have been researching amyloid PET scans in certain patients for years. Recently, they’ve began to avail the modality in clini...